The Telepsychiatry Call Centre

The Telepsychiatry Call Centre began operations at the Greater Accra Regional Teleconsultation centre to provide mental health and psychological services over the phone in September 2019. The teleconsultation center was initially designed to operate telemedicine services. However, the mental health services were integrated after a collaboration between Psych Corps Ghana, Mental Health Authority, and MindIT. Trained Psych Corps run a three times daily shift system at the centre in order to efficiently provide mental health services. They receive calls, address grievances, and provide psychoeducation, provide lay counselling to callers who were in distress or suicidal but in the event where they cannot, they refer the cases to Psychologist or psychiatric nurses on standby. Psych Corps also collect comprehensive data from callers and follow up on callers to check up on them. The suicide hotline was introduced to provide a means for people who felt tendencies of suicide to seek help through making a phone call in instances where they do not feel like leaving home or cannot go see a psychologist in person. Those who also need help but do not know the processes and where to find help also call into our services. The MindIT services are used for the same purposes, the only difference being that clients had to use USSD code (*844*555#) to access our services and then they are called.
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